DeBeers / Attawapiskat - Victor Diamond Mine - Joint Venture Information Session

Attawapiskat First Nation is making a presentation in Thunder Bay  on March 16 about the potential for joint venture opportunities between businesses in Thunder Bay and the Attawapiskat First Nation in relation to the DeBeers Victor Diamond Mine Project.

TIME: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
LOCATION: Confederation College - Rotary Lecture Theatre (Shuniah Building - 1450 Nakina Drive)
Free Registration
Please RSVP by March 15 to:
City of Thunder Bay
Tourism and Economic Development Division

(from the ad in the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal - March 12)

DeBeers Canada is proposing to establish a new diamond mine approximately 90 kilometres from the Attawapiskat First Nation located on the James Bay coast. The DeBeers project involves an initial capital investment of $860 million and is expected to generate approximately 600 jobs during construction and 380 permanent positions when the mine is in full operation.

For further details on the Victor Diamond Mind project, please visit

The March 16 presentation will be an excellent event for businesses in Thunder Bay interested in obtaining information on a broad range of potential opportunities. Examples of key partnership opportunities relate to contruction/engineering firms, mining contractors, maintenance, catering, industrial supplies, etc.