Parent Voice in Education Project - Ontario consultation process

On November 6, 2004, Minister of Education Gerard Kennedy announced the Parent Voice in Education Project to give him advice on how to create an independent, representative province-wide parent voice. Twenty parent leaders, chosen to be as representative as possible of the parent constituencies in Ontario, came together to look at ways to increase parent involvement and participation in the education system at the local, regional and provincial levels.

A discussion paper was prepared, intended to provide ideas, points to consider, and possible models to review. It also contains questions on which they would like parents’ input. A link to it is below on this page.

This information has been circulated to school councils, principals, trustees, district school boards and other people interested in education. The deadline for responses has been extended into March. I encourage you to visit the different sections of the website to learn more about the Parent Voice in Education Project and about parental involvement.

The input the PVEP receives during this consultation process will be used to write recommendations for the Minister of Education by the end of March.

Among Ontario’s parents is a vast and largely untapped reserve of knowledge and experience. Everyone is invited to participate by sending us your ideas and suggestions.

Letter from the Minister of Education
Consultations and Discussion Paper - PDF
Response Form - MS Word
Response Form - On-line submission

News release and backgrounder - January 31, 2005

Latest news about the consultations