First Nation educators meet on-line to create e-learning environment

A new "course" has been established by Fernando Oliveira, the on-line Grade 8 Supplementary Courses instructor, to support First Nation educators to explore and discuss different features required to support the creation of an effective e-learning environment for First Nation learners. First Nation educators are invited to join in this effort by signing up for an account at

The open source Moodle environment was selected to be the main platform because it is presently being used in at least three First Nation e-learning programs with participants from across Ontario and Northern Saskatchewan. Participants in the two day planning workshop held in Balmertown and on-line produced a set of recommendations, one of which was to continue this planning work on-line using this tool. The workshop was made possible through funding from Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program and the Ontario Regional Management Organization.

The agenda and workshop report along with some video clips are posted on-line within the MoodleFN course.