Video clips and newspaper coverage of PPFNHS dog sledding adventure

As part of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program, Cal Kenny ( joined seven students, three staff and the expedition leader (Burton Penner - on a two day dog sledding wilderness adventure.

Cal is the Graphic and Web Site Designer at Keewaytinook Okimakanak, the Regional Management Organization for the First Nation SchoolNet Program. His work is becoming more and more involved in video production and publishing this material on the internet.

Three video clips from this adventure are now available on the internet for everyone to view. As well, a special series about this educational adventure is being published in the Chronicle-Journal (click here to read the first article from the Feb 5 issue). A write up about the 2004 dog sledding trip is contained in the Wawatay Newspaper - April 8, 2004 

The three video clips include (click on either High - high speed connections or Lower for dial up type connections to view):

  1. Heading out to the camp -
    High Quality  or  Lower Quality
  2. Trapping Beaver -
    High Quality  or  Lower Quality
  3. The Return Trip -
    High Quality  or  Lower Quality

Everyone is welcomed to share their dog sledding stories and thoughts about these videos and this experience that the students undertook.