KO supports a national broadband visioning effort by Canada Connects

On Wednesday January 26th 2005, Canada Connects moderated  a National Round Table Discussion on how broadband technologies could be used for the competitive advantage of Canada and Canadians.

The event was webcasted using the K-Net Breeze presentation platform and is available for viewing at http://breeze.knet.ca/p78044893/. An article about the meeting and discussion was published in the latest ORION newsletter (click here to read the article).

Everyone is invited to participate in a much larger debate that will provide all Canadians with an opportunity to take part in the exploration of how our businesses, institutions, communities, citizens and country can adapt to the new opportunities provided by broadband infrastructure and connectivity.

To register for the National Vision announcement list, or to find out how you can be heard in this national debate please visit: http://www.canadaconnects.ca/nationalvision