Reconciliation From The Inside Out: Worldviewing Skills For Everyone

An e-book that offers a unique approach for transforming the heart of deep-rooted conflict in the world today by Jessie Sutherland and with a foreword by Chief Robert Joseph. E-books are purchased o­n-line and you can download them o­nto your computer.


Here are what people have to say.

"Jessie Sutherland's book may well be the insight that provides the greatest potential for bringing about the needed healing and reconciliation that must take place. It has the potential to provide the spark required to bring real peace, balance, and harmony between parties, between Canada and its Aboriginal people. I agree absolutely with Ms. Sutherland's assertion that at the heart of reconciliation is essentially a parallel process of personal and political transformation from systems of dominance to relationships of mutuality. Heart by heart, family by family, community by community is the most appealing way to bring about reconciliation and this I have learned from Ms. Sutherland."

Chief Robert Joseph, Hereditary Chief of the Gwa wa enuk First Nation
Chairman of Native American Leadership Alliance For Peace and Reconciliation
Special Advisor to Federal Government for Residential Schools
Former Executive Director of Indian Residential School Survivors Society of BC

"Reconciliation From The Inside Out: Worldviewing Skills For Everyone offers a fresh, insightful and great contribution to the field. I immediately requested o­ne for my library."

John Paul Lederach, PhD,
author of Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies.

"Reconciliation From The Inside Out: Worldviewing Skills For Everyone is a tool we can all use as individuals, families, or communities. I encourage everyone to take a risk o­n a new approach. I met Jessie Sutherland at a time when I was shedding the "victim mode" of the colonizer/colonized relationships - I believe the o­nly way we can have true (authentic) reconciliation is if we "get real" about the healing that is needed o­n both sides of the colonizer/colonized fence."

Dorothy Christian, Okanagan-Shuswap Nations

"In her book Jessie Sutherland clearly and thoroughly analyses the complexities of reconciliation. Her unique approach emphasizes both the psychological and systemic aspects of deep-rooted conflict. She proposes a new and workable way of transforming cycles of conflict and domination into those of reconciliation. In my opinion, this brilliant work establishes a fundamental foundation applicable equally to intercultural as well as international relations."

Ihab Banabila, Doctor in European Law, University of Montpellier - France.

Take Advantage Of This Introductory Offer

1. To purchase Reconciliation From The Inside Out: Worldviewing Skills For Everyone for a reduced promotional price of $14.95 + GST (Total: $16CAN) Visit:
*Note: Promotional Introductory offer valid until February 2th 2005. Price increases to $19.95 (+GST). Buy now and save $5.

2. To sign up for a Worldviewing Skills Teleconference Series that accompanies this e-book visit
Four teleconference sessions starting February 1st at 2pm PST / 5pm EST with a special promotion rate of $49.95 (+GST), Total $53.45. Teleconferences are held over the phone for o­ne hour. Teleconference size for this series is limited to 12 people and participants are required to purchase the accompanying e-book and expected to do some preparatory reading and exercises in between sessions.

For more information contact:
Phone: 250-642-6184