Keewaytinook Okimakanak team take Cisco Academy ITE training

Angus Miles, Fort Severn First Nation network technician, Aaron Hardy, Fort William First Nation KiHS Technician and Jamie Ray, Flying Post First Nation member and KO Computer Technician, travelled to Toronto this week for to attend a Cisco Academy training program at Centennial College. They are representing the Ontario Regional Management Organization (ON-RMO) at this training. For more information about this training initiative, visit

The training program is being sponsored by the Saskatchewan / Alberta Regional Management Organization (Keewatin Career Development Corporation - as part of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program with funding support from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). The Education Network of Ontario is contracted by KCDC to coordinate the training.

Upon their return, Angus and Jamie will be delivering the Cisco ITE1 level training on-line for the youth hired under the First Nations SchoolNet Youth Employment initiative. The training will be made available using a variety of the communication tools such as Breeze and video conferencing.