Weaving the Networked Economy in Kuhkenah First Nations - the on-line video

Keewaytinook Okimakanak (K-Net Services) and its partners, with funding support from Industry Canada's FedNor program, produced a DVD video entitled "The K-Net Story ... Weaving the Networked Economy in Kuhkenah First Nation Communities". The seven chapters of this production are now available on-line for everyone's viewing pleasure (choose between the high bandwidth or lower bandwidth options for your viewing pleasure).


Length: 13:04
High - Low

Economic Development

Length: 2:36
High - Low


Length: 9:51
High - Low

Building the Network

Length: 2:36
High - Low


Length: 5:58
High - Low


Length: 3:29
High - Low

Visions for the Future

Length: 3:10
High - Low

Feedback about this video production is appreciated. Please send your comments to brian.beaton@knet.ca - thanks for taking the time to view this material and for sharing your thoughts about it.

George Ferreira, a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph's Rural Extension program, produced this DVD for K-Net. The "Visions for the Future" chapter contains the credits and participant list in these video clips.