KRG launches their new Tamaani Internet service in time for Xmas

Kativik Regional Government launched their new internet service for their member communities during their December council meeting. The December 24 issue of NUNATSIAQ NEWS contains a story entitled "Nunavik beats Nunavut to wireless broadband Internet - Nomadic computer users can surf the web anywhere in the region" at

Tamaani Internet is a section of the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) that offers Internet broadband service via a wireless network connected to the Internet by satellite technology to residents of all Nunavik communities who choose to purchase the service for a monthly fee. This service allows its users to connect to the Internet over a network that is shared with other subscribers.

For more information on the new KRG's Tamaani Internet service to its member communities in Northern Quebec, visit

The network uses the Keewaytinook Okimakanak earth station located in Sioux Lookout (visit for pictures of the construction of this earth station from June 2004). The official launch of this innovative partnership involving Keewaytinook Okimakanak (K-Net Services), Kativik Regional Government (KRG) and the Keewatin Tribal Council (KTC from Northern Manitoba) will take place on January 19, 2005. See for more information about this event and the network involving these partners.