DFC students publish first Newsletter before their Christmas break

Students from the Newspaper club at Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School published their November/December edition of the DFC Scoop before leaving on the christmas break. They hope that the Scoop will go into a monthly production in the new year. This current production is planned for every two months which the students feel is alright for now.

With the aid of Kim Yesno, the students managed to complete the Scoop before the students went home on Thursday (December 16).

Inside of this edition of the DFC Scoop ....

-ReZ Point: Celebrating Christmas, the old way

- Poems by some of DFC's most talented writers

-Humourous Christmas jokes

Who is never hungry at Christmas?
The turkey - he's always stuffed

A definition of Christmas?
The time when everyone get's "Santa"-mental.

Why couldn't the skeleton go to the Christmas party?
He had no body to go with!

-Students meet with Pamela Matthews

-Play by Play (DFC wins city championship)

-Muckuck, Mishenene share wrestling experience

-Letters to Santa

According to NNEC exacutive director Matthew Angees, the newsletter is something that he is proud of. "Just keep at it," he told the Scoop.  Irene Linklater, Principal at DFC, notes the newsletter that the students published is something that all should be happy about. One of her all time favourite quotes she told the scoop was, "Ever Nice!"