KO, KRG, KTC plan Grand Opening of satellite network for January 19

The official opening of the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN) and earth station in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, hosted by Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Council is scheduled to take place in Sioux Lookout on January 19, 20 2005.

Community feasting and network demonstrations will take place at the site of the network hub. David Emerson, Minister of Industry Canada as well as other Federal government ministers and representatives have been invited to participate in the planned events.

Thirty-five Chiefs, Councillors and Mayors from the participating satellite network communities in the northern regions of Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec and representatives of the three partners who manage the network: Keewaytinook Okimakanak of Northern Ontario, Kativik Regional Government in Northern Quebec and Keewatin Tribal Council in Northern Manitoba. Attending as well will be the Ministers of Industry Canada, FedNor, Health and senior officials from Telesat, Bell Canada, and other major public and private sector investors.

The Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN) is the first inter-provincial community owned and operated broadband satellite initiative in Canada. It is a cooperative venture connecting over 30 remote communities from the northern regions of Manitoba, Quebec and Ontario. It is being administered through an innovative partnership of Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Keewatin Tribal Council and the Kativik Regional Government.

NICSN is the result of four years of development and over $5 million in strategic capital investment by Industry Canada and has brought together partnerships from industry, not-for-profit and government to serve the broadband needs of the participating communities. Keewaytinook Okimakanak and its Kuhkenah Network (K-Net) has led this development for the past four years.

For more information about this event and background information about this strategic partnership visit http://smart.knet.ca/satellite

For pictures and the video of the 7.3M satellite dish begin put in place visit http://tech.knet.ca/photos/satellite