First Nations SchoolNet Youth Employment Initiative workshop at Fort William FN

A team of First Nation workers are meeting in the Fort William First Nation Learning Centre to learn and create new on-line resources for their community schools and communities. The workshop is lead by a crew of K-Net members including Tabatha Jourdain (Couchiching), Jamie Ray (Flying Post), Cal Kenny (Lac Seul), Jesse Fiddler (Sandy Lake) and Jeannie Carpenter (Lac Seul). This workshop also has representatives from the First Nations of

  • Bearskin Lake,
  • Fort Severn,
  • Rainy River,
  • Shoal Lake 39,
  • Lac Seul,
  • Kasabonika,
  • Slate Falls,
  • Poplar Hill,
  • Cat Lake,
  • Whitedog,
  • Kashechewan,
  • Aroland,
  • Ongegaming.

Others members of the First Nation SchoolNet Youth Initiative will be gathering early in the new year for a second workshop that is being planned for southern Ontario.

Workshop topics include network development, video conferencing, computer service and maintenance, web site development, video production and editing, along with networking with other workers involved in this SchoolNet Youth Employment Initiative.

This project is sponsored by Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Regional Management Organization program with funding support from Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program and the First Nations SchoolNet Youth Employment program. Cal Kenny put together a short video clip from the training session providing an overview of what was planned and delivered in terms of the training and the workshop objectives. Click here to watch the video

Click here to view pictures from the workshop.