Six KO First Nation resolutions adopted by AFN from Chiefs Assembly

From the AFN Annual General Assembly that took place on July 20, 21 & 22, 2004, in Charlottetown, PEI, six resolutions moved by the KO Chiefs in attendance were recently adopted. These AFN Resolutions include:

In a memo to the Chiefs, National Chief Phil Fontaine explained the procedures for adopting and beginning to act on these resolutions:

Due to lack of quorum at the July 2004 Annual General Assembly in Charlottetown, PEI, 61 of 63 draft resolutions were not dealt with.  The Chair referred them all to the Executive Committee to address before the next Confederacy/Assembly.  Over the past few months, AFN Legal Counsel, members of the Resolutions Committee and technical staff, have reviewed the draft resolutions and recommended measures to implement each of the draft resolutions.  A detailed report was presented to the AFN Executive on October 3, 2004 including 56 draft resolutions and the recommended action for implementation, the referral of four draft resolutions back to the next Confederacy/Assembly and one draft resolution was withdrawn by the mover/seconder.

The decision of the AFN Executive was to adopt the resolutions and proceed with implementation activity.  A status report will be prepared for presentation at the December 2004 Special Chiefs Assembly.

These 56 draft resolutions and the 2 resolutions that were dealt with at the July 2004 AGA, have now been prepared in final format as follows: (individual resolutions are now available on the AFN website at