Creating an on-line gathering place for First Nation musicians, artists, writers

A two day planning and development workshop (December 1 and 2) has resulted in the production of an on-line template that will become a place for Aboriginal artists in video, painting, writing, music and photography to share their work and meet together. The five member team meeting in Balmertown included Jesse Fiddler, Cal Kenny, Tina Kakepetum-Schultz, George Ferreira and Fernando Oliveira. Click here to check out the pictures of the team at work.

This on-line Aboriginal gathering place is intended to support Aboriginal artists in their efforts to promote their work and being established. It will include tutorials and resources for Aboriginal artists to use these on-line tools to further develop their skills. The environment will support peer-to-peer sharing and collaboration in production and support efforts.

Fundraising to complete the development work and support the ongoing operation of this on-line environment will now be undertaken. It is hoped that this initial investment by Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program in creating this template will help raise the funding required to continue the development of the Kuhkenah Aboriginal artists virtual gathering space.