KO Celebrates the Grand Opening of its Centre of Excellence!

Keewaytinook Okimakanak celebrated the Grand Opening of the new Centre of Excellence in Balmertown on Tuesday, November 30th. This building is located on 253 Dexter Road and is home to the administration offices for KO Telehealth and Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS). The building is a beautiful renovated structure made possible by contributions from Industry Canada through the Smart Communities project. A big thank you is extended to Industry Canada and FedNor for making this possible. Check out pictures at http://photos.knet.ca/albun68

During the celebration there was a feast at the main KO office at 12:00 noon, which was followed by an open house at the new building from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Many communities from the north were connected via video conferencing to share in the celebrations. We are sure that the medical and educational health of the communities with benefit greatly from this venture.

Several guests were able to participate in this celebration. Geordi Kakepetum, KO’s executive director welcomed everyone and gave opportunity for remarks from special guests. Mayor Dunc Wilson congratulated the organization for their lead in using ICTs in health and education. Former Grand Chief for Ontario, Tom Bressette brought greetings from the AFN. Jerry Fontaine, special advisor for the National Grand Chief, also brought congratulations and greeting from the Grand Chief and staff at the AFN. Raymond Mason, chief of Keewaywin brought remarks on behalf of the community and the Chiefs of the organization.

A welcomes was sent out to all from Kevin Houghton, KO Telehealth Program Manager, as well as Darrin Potter, KiHS Principal. Ribbon and cake cutting followed as guests mingled and enjoyed tours of the building.

The staff of KO, KO Telehealth www.telehealth.knet.ca and KiHS (www.kihs.knet.ca) wish to thanks everyone who participated in this event. Please come by and visit our centre if you are ever in Balmertown.