CRACIN workshop includes presentations from KO

The Canadian Research Alliance For Community Innovation And Networking team met in Ottawa on Friday, Nov 26 and Saturday, Nov 27 to dicuss about evaluation tools and techiques. Brian Walmark, KO's Research Institute Coordinator, presented information about KO's work that included a variety of digital videos used to capture the thoughts of KO community members and funders regarding the migration of connectivity to remote and isolated First Nations in Ontario's far north. These materials and stories are being used to support the completion of the evaluation of KO's K-Net project.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services is one of the seven case studies included in the CRACIN research initiative. Members of the CRACIN team demonstrated the use of K-Net's Breeze server to support the participation of other members of the team in the workshop.

Click here to see the workshop agenda