NNEC Post Secondary celebrates it's 25th Anniversary In Thunder Bay.

Northern Nishinawbe Education Council Post Secondary celebrates 25 years!!

Northern Nishnawbe Education Council’s Post Secondary office in Thunder Bay celebrated NNEC’s 25th anniversary on Wednesday, November 24, 2004. Among the guests to show up were members of native organizations such as NAN, Mattawa Tribal Council, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, NNEC Secondary Student Services, as well as former and current Post Secondary Students from the College and the University.

The food for the celebration was klik and bannock along with some fruit, chips, tea and coffee. Thanks to the hard work of Post Secondary student counselor Leona Scanlon and receptionist Katie Keeash the celebration was a great success.

The highlight of the day was the 25th Anniversary Cake cutting ceremony which was captured by Wawatay News and Knet cameras.

to see the pictures of the party click here

to see NNEC's website click here

to call NNEC Post Secondary call here:   1 807 475-5225