KO Telehealth team hosts successful gathering in Sioux Lookout

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth team planned and delivered a very successful gathering in Sioux Lookout on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov 17-18. First Nation Health Directors and Community Telehealth Coordinators from across the Sioux Lookout Health Zone met to discuss the development of telehealth in their communities. There were approximately 80 people participating in this important planning event.

Click here to see a list of the members of the KO Telehealth team from Balmertown, Sioux Lookout and the First Nations across the north. They were joined and supported by:

  • John Rowlandson, the former KO Telehealth Project Manager from British Columbia and Telehealth Sustainability Consultant with KO;
  • Doug Semple (Wunnumin Lake FN) and Margaret Fiddler (Sandy Lake FN) who facilitated the gathering;
  • The Kuhnenah Network team (Lars Dixon - Balmertown Network Technician, John Moreau - Sioux Lookout Network Technician and Dan Pellerin - K-Net Network Manager)
  • Andres Ibanez (Guelph University) and John Hogenbirk (Laurentian University in Sudbury) who are working on the Telehealth evaluation;
  • other tribal council health coordinators (Shibogama, IFNA, Matawa, Windigo) and health care program folks from the Aboriginal Health Authority, Zone Nursing, Health Canada.

Other guests joining the folks from the north included:

  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Orpah McKenzie)
  • Confederation College
  • Adcom and Polycom with the telemedicine suite used in the north
  • First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada (Simon, Ernie, Kathy)
  • Primary Health Care Transition program of Health Canada (Jackie, Guy)
  • FedNor of Industry Canada (Carl Seibel)
  • Canada Health Infoway (Denis, Krista, Tina)
  • Nunavut Telehealth project team members (Angela, Megan, Carlos)

Watch for the pictures in Telehealth Photo gallery (click here) and for further updates and reports in the KO Telehealth web site at:
