Supreme Court of Canada rules on resource "development" of traditional lands

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled today that "governments have a legal duty to consult with First Nations to some extent about the development of disputed land". The ruling was based upon a case against the Haida Nation and the BC government. The ruling was suppose to clarify how governments and resource "development" corporations are to deal with First Nations before making land use decisions.

The two cases before Canada's high court were moved forward by the provinces and the federal government against two First Nations in British Columbia. Their case was originally ruled in favour of the First Nations by the BC Court of Appeal. That court ruled that governments and companies must consult and accommodate First Nations before making land-use decisions – even if aboriginal title is still not proven.

Click here for more information on this story.

Click here for the complete text of the Supreme Court's Haida decision.

Click here for the complete Supreme Court Tlingit ruling.

Click here for the story from CBC North.