KO First Nations construct new e-Centres and KiHS classrooms

As a final deliverable under Industry Canada's Smart Communities demonstration project, Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations constructed new buildings to accommodate the KiHS classrooms (in five of the KO First Nations) and the e-Centres (in three of the communities). The buildings are now nearing completion and are slowly being set up for their intended purposes. FedNor was the principal funding partner in the purchase, construction and furnishing of these facilities in each of these communities.

On November 16, Jerry Pokrupa from Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Public Works team joined Langreen, the construction and project contractor, on a tour of the facilities and the work completed to date. Click here to see the pictures of these new facilities in Deer Lake (still under construction), Keewaywin, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill.