Ontario Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards in Thunder Bay

The 2nd Annual  Niigantige 2004 Ontario Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards and Career Fair will be held on Tuesday 30th November 2004 at Fort William First Nation Community Hall to recognize the successes of First Nation and Metis youth from across the province in a variety of categories. 

‘Niigaantige’ which means ‘looking to the future’, will be the theme of the banquet and awards will be presented to youth role models who have demonstrated excellence in the principles of athletics, community leadership, business, arts, health education, personal achievement, and traditional employment. A variety of guest speakers, organizations and businesses are participating in the event to provide hands on learning and research opportunities.

Says Meladina Hardy: “This is an important event that seeks to build self esteem in our youth. The purpose is to recognize the achievements of those who have overcome major obstacles to reach their personal goals and to provide them with access to opportunities that might motivate them to continue to pursue their personal ambitions.  We would like to encourage local people, businesses and organizations to either sponsor our event or to purchase tickets to the dinner in support of these hard working young people. All proceeds from the event will go towards student bursaries”

The event is being organized by volunteers from Matawa First Nations Management, Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre, Anishinabek Educational Institute, Yes Employment services.

For further information please call: Georgette O’Nabigon, Matawa First Nations Management: (807) 346 8009


Media Contact:

Stephanie Ash
Firedog Public Relations & Marketing: 807 767 4443 or email: stephanie@firedogpr.com