First Nation students are "connecting to a world of learning"

The fall 2004 issue of UPDATE, the quarterly "news of interest to Aboriginal people from the Government of Canada", contains a set of articles about education opportunities available for First Nation students. The first story, entitled "Connecting to a world of learning" describes the work of the Regional Management Organizations from Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program. Click here to read the Update news on-line.

First Nation schools are now getting connected to broadband networks so they are able to access information and share resources using a variety of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Some of the teaching and learning tools now available in First Nation schools include:

For more information about the Ontario Regional Management Organization or for ICT support, contact:

  • Keewaytinook Okimakanak, K-Net Office, Sioux Lookout, Toll-free 877-737-KNET (5638)
  • Jeannie Carpenter, RMO Administrator, ext 51250
  • Brian Beaton, RMO Coordinator, ext 51251
  • John Moreau, K-Net Helpdesk, ext 51253
  • Jamie Ray, K-Net Helpdesk, ext 51256
  • Cal Kenny, Web Site Development, ext 51254
  • Dan Pellerin, Network Manager, ext 51258
  • Adi Linden, Systems Analysis, ext 51257
  • Lars Dixon, Video Conferencing Bridge, ext 51264