KO team introduces Virtual Health Access Centre concept

Over the past week, the concept for the new KO Virtual Health Access Centre to be developed in Balmertown was shared with a number of groups. Lead by the support of the KO Chiefs' resolution from their October 22 meeting in Dryden, the KO team is now sharing this innovative concept and service with other groups to secure their support.

On Tuesday, the KO team met with the team from the new Northern Ontario School of Medicine to discuss how their team would benefit from this development. Then on Thursday, the team met with the consultant from the HayGroup that is preparing "A Study of the Role of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and the Development of a Regional Service Plan for Northwestern Ontario" to share how the Virtual Health Access Centre would support the telehealth services across the region. Click here to see the concept paper distributed to these groups.

Then on Thursday afternoon, the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs in assembly in Thunder Bay, passed a resolution supporting KO's efforts to develop this service.

Click here to read the story on the Telehealth web site - Be sure to visit the KO Telehealth web site for regular updates and reports about this initiative - http://telehealth.knet.ca