Upcoming Events for NNEC 25 Year Celebrations

Please forward this information to your staff about our upcoming Open House event, part of NNEC's 25 year celebrations.
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council wishes to invite the public to participate in its 25 year celebrations.  
NNEC program Open Houses will take place on Monday, November 15, 2004.   You are asked to pick up your passport at Wahsa Distance Education Council, 74 Front St. at 10:00 am, Kwayaciiwin Resource Centre 61 Queen St 12:00 – 2:00 pm  and at the NNEC Administration office, 21 King Street 2:00 -4:00 pm.  Come and meet the staff, join us for coffee, cake, tours, draws and a chance to win a special anniversary vest.  
On Wednesday, November 24, 2004, NNEC’s 25 year celebration will be held at Pelican Falls First Nation High School starting at 1:00 pm.   For more information, contact Barb Carpenter or Rachael Paquette-Flanagan at 737 -1488 ext. 231 and 737-2002 ext. 234, respectively.  We look forward to you joining us for the Open House and the upcoming celebrations.
A Program of Northern Nishnawbe Education
Head Office - Lac Seul
Barb Carpenter
Wahsa Distance Education Centre
807-737-1488 ext. 231
807-737-1732 fax
toll free 1-800-667-3703
email bcarpenter@nnec.on.ca