KO Chiefs meet in Dryden for board meeting and Training Centre opening

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak met with their staff on Tuesday, October 19 for discussions about current issues affecting their communities and their organization. From the discussions and program updates, thirteen Chief resolutions were developed with twelve of them being pasted during the Wednesday morning session. Harvey Yesno, Executive Director of Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund, met with the Chiefs on Wednesday morning to provide an update on a number of issues including the Ontario-Manitoba Interconnect plans for a hydro line through NAN territory.

On Wednesday at noon, the Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak joined others at the new Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre for its grand opening ceremony. The Chiefs and Keewaytinook Okimakanak are partnering with the centre and its management to develop and deliver a world class Water Treatment Plant Operator Training program.

Click here to read the Thunder Chronicle Journal article about the opening ceremonies. During Chief Roy Gray's remarks he reminded everyone in the audience about the challenges facing First Nations by sharing his feelings about seeing this wonderful new building and being there while back in his community the local school has been shut down since June due to mould contamination.