Invitation to participate in an international videoconference - Tell Your Story

Let's Talk: Global Communications, Innovation, and Participatory Videoconferencing

December 9, 2004 : 8am to 2pm, and 6pm to Midnight EST (GMT-5)

Join us in December for a truly interactive global event. Presentations this year will include not just talks, but also musical events, dramatizations, and any other form of interactive communication. All presentations will be strongly encouraged to take advantage of the interactive possibilities in videoconferencing, by engaging with the registered participants, presenting from multiple locations, or by any other means that take advantage of this multiway, real-time communication technology in research and education.

About the Megaconference

Each year, the Megaconference occurs as a result of a tremendous amount of volunteer effort and good will, with the goal of connecting people together everywhere on Earth where someone chooses to participate, in order to further the use of videoconferencing in education and research and to advance of the state of the art in videoconferencing technology.

On the chosen date, speakers from across the globe share their latest real-world uses of H.323 videoconferencing, while using H.323 videoconferencing to do so. The audience consists of:

· Active participants who have access to advanced Internet connectivity and an H.323 videoconferencing endpoint, and
· Observers who watch the simultaneous stream using a web browser and freely available stream players.

If you would like to join Megaconference VI as an active participant, please register by the deadline. If you would like to observe this year's Megaconference, please visit our streaming page. If you would like to participate as a volunteer in any way for this or the next Megaconference, please feel free to contact us.

The Technology

A system of distributed, H.323 multipoint control units (MCUs) located around the world will be cascaded together to create a cutting-edge Internet videoconference infrastructure. For more, visit our MCU page.

The Email List

If you wish to subscribe to the Megaconference email list, simply send Bob Dixon an email, telling him briefly who you are and that you wish to join the list. Great practical discussions on H.323 issues occur on this list.

Call for Proposals: Submit Your Proposal Here

Registration is Open: Register to Participate Here

We hope to see you on December 9 for a global conference from a world of locations