Assembly of First Nation National Chief highlights priorities for fall of 2011

Communiqué From National Chief Shawn Atleo - August 2011

Fall 2011 Outlook - Priority Areas

As the end of summer approaches and the House of Commons plans its return, First Nations across Canada continue to pursue action in a number of key areas. As mandated by Chiefs across Canada, I look forward to continuing a rigorous agenda throughout the Fall focused on First Nation priority areas: asserting our rights and affirming our responsibilities, advancing the National Treaty strategy, education, and community safety and security including safe drinking water.

The July 2011 Annual General Assembly was an opportunity for leadership to come together and reaffirm a way forward based on First Nation rights, Treaties and confirming the First Nation pursuit of self-determination. Resolutions were passed in key areas, such as education, child welfare, ending violence against women and resource development. I and the national executive look forward to facilitating advocacy to achieve government action in these and other areas.

National Panel on First Nations Elementary and Secondary Education

The AFN is mandated to support First Nations control of First Nation education, including advocating for a statutory guarantee of funding to ensure equity and fairness and ultimately enable the success of First Nation learners. The work of the National Panel on First Nations Elementary and Secondary Education is one avenue to advance these interests and confirms the federal government commitment to improving First Nation education.

The AFN does not have a mandate to negotiate legislation nor are we engaged in this activity in any way.

The AFN fully respects all other approaches and avenues being pursued by First Nations to support First Nations control of First Nation education.

The main priority in this work is supporting First Nation student success because education is key to unlocking the full potential of First Nation citizens. The well-being of our children and their futures remain the focus. Another generation must not be lost.

Pre-Budget Submission – Safety and Security

We all know that progress is difficult when basic standards of living aren’t being met. That’s why the focus of the pre-budget submission is based on safe and secure First Nation citizens and communities. AFN’s submission highlights the following areas as requiring significant and sustained investments – and a marked departure from current federal spending patterns and priorities.

1. Transforming the Fiscal Relationship
2. First Nations Education
3. Investing in Infrastructure and Health Services to Support Safe and Healthy Communities

AFN Advocacy Day, First Nations-Crown Gathering

This Fall, AFN will facilitate the third Advocacy Day on the Hill where we invite Chiefs to engage in one-on-one meetings with Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament. This is an opportunity to address the specific interests of First Nations under the umbrella of transforming the relationship between First Nations, the federal government and Canadians overall.

In addition, we will be working hard to advance efforts to convene a First Nations-Crown Gathering. This is intended to be an opportunity where First Nation leadership and representatives of the Crown come together as nations as in our original relationships to have discussions on key matters and to affirm key priorities for the future.

Upcoming AFN Forums and Meetings – Health, Citizenship

AFN will host a National Health Forum: “Taking Action to Move Forward” November 7-9, 2011 at the Ottawa Convention Centre. This Forum will gather First Nation leaders, health directors and health experts from across Canada for focused discussion and dialogue on health issues related to sustainability, governance, jurisdiction, research and knowledge translation. Forum presentations and discussions will help inform plans for sustainable First Nation health service delivery that will help close the health gap between First Nations and other Canadians, while respecting First Nation jurisdiction and traditional knowledge.

The National Forum on First Nation Citizenship will take place November 15 & 16, 2011 at Enoch River Cree Resort in Enoch, Alberta. This Forum “Our People, Our Nations: Planning for the Future” continues the National Dialogue on First Nation Citizenship and will seek input for specific recommendations for future action in restoring First Nation jurisdiction. The Forum will focus on tools and support to First Nation governments through sharing experiences, examples and models for assuming jurisdiction over citizenship, including law making and dispute resolution and will examine approaches to fiscal transfers and inter-governmental protocols between First Nations and other governments. It will foster further dialogue on identity, nationhood and planning for the next seven generations, through facilitated discussion, visual arts and performances.

For regular updates on these and other AFN events, announcements and activities please visit Check out the official AFN Facebook page and follow us on
Twitter @AFN_Updates, @AFN_Comms and @NCAtleo.

Kleco, Kleco!