Ontario government invests in First Nations across the northern region of the province

Ontario Press Release 

Kenora-Rainy River Region Creating New Opportunities

August 5, 2011

McGuinty Government Boosts Local Economy, Creates Jobs

Several communities in Northwestern Ontario are strengthening their economies through infrastructure improvements, the use of clean energy and modern technology while creating 45 new jobs.

With support from the Province:

• The Municipality of Sioux Lookout and the First Nations of North Caribou, Wabaseemoong, Deer Lake, Sachigo Lake will upgrade and build new business or community centres;
• Pikangikum First Nation will develop a business plan for operating a sawmill in Red Lake;
• Dorsey Contracting Inc. and Slate Falls Outposts of Kenora will install clean, renewable energy systems;
• The City of Kenora will revitalize the city's harbour-front with a new amphitheatre to host a variety of events and increase tourism; and
• Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nation Tribal Council will provide broadband services to five First Nation communities that do not have network access.

In addition, Kenora Forest Products has accepted a wood supply offer from the province to expand their sawmill operations, creating 36 new jobs and protecting 98.

Partnering with businesses and communities in Northern Ontario is part of the McGuinty government's plan to create and support jobs for Ontario families and to strengthen local economies.


> Ontario is investing $5,438,838 in these 10 projects through the NOHFC's Infrastructure & Community Development Program, Northern Energy Program and Emerging Technology Program.
> Kenora Forest Products has accepted a wood supply offer of 101,000 cubic metres per year of merchantable spruce, pine and fir.
> In the 2011 Ontario Budget, the Province committed a $10-million increase to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund for a total of $100 million in 2011-12.


> Learn more about these projects
> Discover how the NOHFC can help you.
> Kenora-Rainy River Region Expands


• Joanne Ghiz
Minister's Office


• Michel Lavoie
Communications Branch
