Six Nations taking steps to increase Aboriginal doctors in medical schools

"There are currently only 16 Aboriginal medical school students in the five medical schools in Ontario, which is only 0.6% of the overall enrolment of 2,584. On the basis of equitable enrolment, there should be at least 44 Aboriginal medical students at the present time. Based on population, a conservative estimate is that there should be 375 Aboriginal doctors already in practice in Ontario rather than the current dozen." 2020 VISION: A Strategy for Graduating More Aboriginal
Physicians in Ontario,
September 20, 2004

McMaster University President Dr. Peter George Addresses The 2020 Vision Symposium While Symposium Co-Chairs Hon. Roy Romanow and Elected Chief Roberta Jamieson Study Symposium Materials

Click here to read more about the 2020 Vision Symposium on the Six Nations web site