Ontario announces programs and services to end violence against Aboriginal Women

From Attorney General office

Dear Community Partner: I am pleased to announce that Ontario is enhancing and expanding services for Aboriginal women and their children who are victims of violence. The Ending Violence Against Aboriginal Women Fund will help Aboriginal victims through the healing process by increasing access to supports that are culturally relevant and community-based. Funds will be invested in initiatives and services relating to the Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women.  They will be implemented by the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, the Ontario Native Women’s Association, the Métis Nation of Ontario, and the Independent First Nations. Some of these initiatives include:

  • delivering services and counselling for Aboriginal women in Timmins and Sioux Lookout who are victims of sexual assault
  • implementing Kanawayhitowin and Innocent Victims programming at two Indian Friendship Centres
  • supporting Métis women and children by addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impact of violence
  • developing new web resources and other educational materials to help victims, especially those living in remote communities.

In addition, a portion of the funds will be used to support on-reserve initiatives relating to the Framework. You can get more information on programs and services to help victims of crime, by visiting www.ontario.ca/victimservices or calling toll–free: 1-888-579-2888, or 416-314-2447, in the Greater Toronto Area. Ending violence against Aboriginal women is a priority for our government.  By investing in local, front-line services, we are addressing the high level of violence against women and children.


[Original signed by] Hon. Chris Bentley
Attorney General