Grade 8 e-learning courses begin 2nd year of delivery in 17 First Nations

Seventeen First Nation grade 8 classroom teachers are participating in this week's teacher orientation session to on-line learning in preparation for the start of this year's Grade 8 on-line Science course. These classrooms have approximately 190 First Nation students who will be working together to explore the exciting world of science using a variety of new innovative learning tools. Click here to see the flash presentation for this on-line course participants.

Fernando Oliveira, the Program Coordinator for the G8 Supplementary Courses Program, worked over the summer with a number of different parents to modify the open source, e-learning platform (called Moodle) to address a number of the issues identified from last year's courses. The new e-learning environment promises to support the local students, the classroom teachers, the course markers and course teacher to deliver an exciting and interactive on-line course.

The Grade 8 on-line supplementary program is another innovative service being delivered through Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program and the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Regional Management Organization (RMO). The RMO team is supporting First Nation schools across Ontario in a number of areas including:

  • developing broadband connections to the local schools that can then be shared with other local organizations, businesses and community members to ensure the ongoing sustainability of these connections;
  • providing computers and multi-media equipment that can be used by the students and community members in producing and publishing local information, resources and services on-line;
  • researching and creating local success stories about First Nation schools, communities and individual champions engaged in the creative and innovative use of these communication technologies;
  • partnering with other organizations and First Nation schools in developing video conferencing workshops and sessions that address local needs and issues;
  • delivering a helpdesk service to support First Nation schools and groups in the use of these interactive technologies and connectivity solutions;
  • hiring local youth to work with education authorities and schools in the development and delivery of on-line services, activities and information.

Everyone is invited to explore these services on-line at to find out how the RMO team can support your local school and its on-line activities. Or call Jeannie Carpenter, RMO Administrator toll-free at 877-737-KNET (5638) ext 0 to find out how you can become involved in these opportunities.