Sioux Lookout Fire 35 - June 30 update from MNR on evacuation and situation

Above is a link to download footage of SLK 35. The video was taken on June 30, it shows aerial shots of the fire with minimal fire behaviour, and a OMNR Fire Crew working on the fire.

SLK 35 & SLK 38 Situation Update

Prepared: July 2, 2011     

Valid for:  July 2,  2011 

Evacuation Update:

The residents of Mishkeegogamang First Nation returned to Mishkeegogamang yesterday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.· The Ministry of Natural Resources will update the Mishkeegogamang community daily on ongoing fire suppression efforts and forecasted weather.

Changes in wind direction and weather could lead to smoke returning to the community.

A contingency plan is being developed should evacuation of Phase One community members be required.

SLK 35/ SLK 38 Update:

· SLK 35 remains at 67,748 hectares in size.
· SLK 35 had scattered showers yesterday, receiving a trace to 7mm across the fire. With the rain and cloud cover fire behaviour was low.
· Warm dry weather is forecasted for today and tomorrow, leading to drying in the area of SLK 35. As a result fire behaviour is expected to increase. Winds will be moderate from the west to south west today.
· SLK 35 remains approximately 9 km east of Mishkeegogamang at its closest point.
· Infrared operations continue to identify hotspots on SLK 35, while FireRangers are making excellent progress extinguishing hotspots along the perimeter of SLK 35.
· SLK 38 is 8,402 hectares in size and is located 16 km north of Weagamow First Nation.
· SLK 38 had moderate to high fire behaviour yesterday due to warm temperatures and low relative humilities.
· FireRangers continue to make excellent progress along the south flank of SLK 38. 

Structure Protection Update:

· Sprinklers and hoses will remain in Mishkeegogamang for the immediate future. 

Resources on the fires:

· Heavy water bombers – 2· Fixed wing aircraft – 2·         Helicopters – 10·         Personnel – 309

Orders and Restrictions:

· All restrictions have been lifted with the exception of the Albany River east of Osnaburgh Lake.
· NOTAM remains in place.