KO Secondary Student Services logo contest for the KO Education department

Announcement ...


216 Algoma Street South
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 3C2
Phone: (807) 346-4204 Ext. 1709
Fax: (807) 346-4330
Toll Free: 1-888-893-4111


The KOSSS Program assists our youth gain access to Secondary Education and to graduate with skills necessary to pursue a Post-Secondary Education or to acquire gainful employment. We do this by looking at education in a Wholistic manner. We acknowledge our youth have a lot of issues to deal with in addition to their school work. For them to succeed in their education, such issues must be addressed.

Among the services we provide for our students are: 24/7 on-call support for appointments and emergencies, Wholistic and wellness counseling for students with deep issues, additional support for students who are behind in their school work and intervention program in place to help students stay in school and not drop-out. KOSSS partner with other local organizations and agencies to deliver services to our students.

KO Secondary Student Services is looking for a logo for the Education department, and would like someone from one of the First Nations to come up with something creative.
KOSSS is offering $500 to the person selected for their painting. We would like the painting to represent what the KOSSS department and Secondary students represents to KO First Nations.

The deadline for this contest is July 11, 2011.

Please fax your submissions or you can e-mail leonarae@knet.ca

Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your time.