7.3M satellite earth station on-line using IC / Telesat 1A transponder

Thanks to Adi Linden (K-Net's Systems Analyst), Dan Pellerin (K-Net's Network Manager) and Jean-Francois (JF) Delorme (KRG's Network Coordinator), the satellite served communities across Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec are now operating on the 1A satellite transponder using the new 7.3M satellite earth station in Sioux Lookout. The move from the 12A transponder and the 3.8M dish was completed on Thursday evening with Adi and JK being able to successfully migrate each of the communities over to this new service.

With funding support from Industry Canada FedNor to construct the new earthstation and access to this transponder space from Industry Canada's National Satellite Initiative (NSI), Keewaytinook Okimakanak and our partners (including the communities, Kativik Regional Government and the Keewatin Tribal Council in Northern Manitoba) is able to better deliver telehealth, e-learning and other on-line, broadband applications.

Click here to see pictures of the new 7.3M earth station in Sioux Lookout