Mishkeegogamang First Nation residents being evacuated due to smoke from forest fire

Press Release

Municipality of Sioux Lookout Receives Evacuees from Mishkeegogamang First Nation

Sioux Lookout’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) was assembled at 8:00 p.m. on June 21, 2011, to implement plans to receive up to 200 evacuees from Mishkeegogamang First Nation (also known as Osnaburgh). The voluntary evacuation was triggered by an ongoing smoke alert resulting from a nearby forest fire, which, as of Tuesday evening, was approximately 16-18km east of the First Nation community and being affected by strong easterly winds.

Approximately 80 evacuees arrived at the Sioux Lookout Recreation Centre around 2:20 a.m. on June 22nd via bus. The Recreation Centre will serve as a temporary lodging facility for the duration of the evacuation.

Evacuees were welcomed to and registered at the Recreation Centre by Sioux Lookout ECG officials and provided with sandwiches, fresh fruit, and beverages upon their arrival.

Sioux Lookout Mayor, Dennis Leney, declared an emergency at 10:30 a.m. on June 22nd to ensure the Municipality has access to all necessary resources to support the evacuees from Osnaburgh.

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For more information on the evacuation, please contact:

Brian MacKinnon, Sioux Lookout Emergency Control Group –
Public Information Officer: (807) 737-2700, ext. 2243; bmackinnon@siouxlookout.ca

For more information on the fire, please contact:
Dave Jackson, Ministry of Natural Resources, Pickle Lake
(807) 928-2470

For more information on Mishkeegogamang First Nation, please contact:
Erin Bottle, Mishkeegogamang Band Office
(807) 928-2414