Keewaytinook Internet High School celebrates 2011 graduating class with First Nations

Keewaytinook Internet High School
Graduation and Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, June 8, 2011, at 1:30 CST

Four grade 12 graduates from Saugeen Nation

Click here to Watch the entire event


1:30 - Introductions by Principal Darrin Potter
1:40 - Opening Prayer: Pastor David Fiddler, Keewaywin First Nation
1:45 - Greetings from Special Guests
Ministry of Education
KO Executive Director
KiHS Founding Principal
2:00 - KiHS awards by Vice Principals; Freda Kenny and Kevin Dempsey
2:30 - Greetings to Graduates by Community Members
2:40 - Address by Graduate: Desiree Jacko
2:45 - Presentation of Graduates
2:55 - Concluding thoughts by Principal
3:00 - Closing Prayer: Joe Kakegamic, North Spirit Lake Elder and LEA Member
Refreshments will be served in Each KiHS Classroom

KiHS Graduation Class of 2010/2011
Angeline Wassaykeesic - Poplar Hill First Nation
Arnold Jacko - Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
Craig Gray - Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
Desiree Jacko - Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
John George McKay - Fort Severn First Nation
Joyce Rae - North Spirit Lake First Nation
Kirk MacLauren - Fort William First Nation
Kyle Meekis - Neskantaga First Nation
Laura Anishinabie - Keewaywin First Nation
Samantha Machimity - Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
Shadow Orwick - Fort William First Nation
Shonii Orwick - Fort William First Nation

Everyone at KiHS would like to thank you for attending today and we want to
extend a big congratulations to the graduates. They have worked hard to
achieve what they have today and we wish them all the best in any future
We also congratulate all KiHS students on a year well done!
To view the 2010/2011 KiHS online awards page, please visit our site at

Click here for the graduates PDF page