Legacy support systems "obsolete and deficient" for telecom in remote First Nations

The following two articles highlight how decision-makers in the United States are recognizing and confronting the realities and challenges involved in serving remote and rural First Nations. It would be nice if Canada could demonstrate the same type of leadership and vision instead of tying First Nations to 200 year old legacy Indian Act legislation (making Section 28-2 resolutions a requirement) as First Nation leaders attempt to work to construct the infrastructure and create digital opportunities in their communities.


From http://www.fcc.gov/document/copps-seatoa-10th-annual-conference-remarks

Wise Words from FCC Commissioner Copps

In the last century, our commitment to Universal Service ensured that almost all of our citizens--urban and rural--had access to "plain old telephone service"--POTS as it's called. But in this new century we need the "pretty awesome new stuff"--the PANS--too. The Pots and the pans! We need to find ways to do the same nearly-ubiquitous build-out for broadband because all of us benefit when more of us are connected. The Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation system are the reason that communications infrastructure has been deployed in many rural, insular, and high cost areas--those places where there would otherwise have never been a private sector business case for high-quality voice service or broadband. And we need to keep these accomplishments in mind as we reform the Fund. But the legacy support mechanisms that we have today are simply not up to meeting the challenges of the Digital Age. They are substantively obsolete and deficient. And they have lost the credibility they need to be sustained. Consumer credibility, market credibility and political credibility--they're all gone. The current system is byzantine and broken--plagued by litigation, self-help, and market power as substitutes for the honest rules we need to minimize arbitrage, promote investment and deployment, and maximize the opportunity for new technologies to flourish.

The Commission has committed to rationalizing this system and to providing a stable and predictable framework for reform. We have our work cut out to deliver on that promise. To truly reshape these systems will require a commitment to shared sacrifice and an ability to rise above the clamor for whatever piece of the status quo that has been beneficial to any one particular private interest. Everyone is going to have to give a little so that we can together gain a lot. That includes me as a Commissioner--I know that I too will be making some compromises if we are going to get this out the door. I expect that we will have a comprehensive transition plan in place before the end of this year, including formative Reports and Orders that will put us well down the road toward a system that we've waited for far too long.

I want to emphasize to all parties with an interest in these proceedings--Universal Service and Intercarrier Compensation--that the time for everybody's best ideas is now. We are beyond the time for "Dear Santa Claus" letters and self-serving wish lists, given the timetable the Commission is on to vote these items this summer. Anyone interested in being part of the solution needs to get to their bottom line, to their final proposals, now. I remember the oft-repeated adage of my old boss, South Carolina's great Fritz Hollings, that "decisions without you are most often decisions against you," so folks need to get down to final ideas and bottom lines as the Commission writes its Orders in the weeks--yes, I said weeks--just ahead.


From PBS - Media Shift

Massive Digital Divide for Native Americans is 'A Travesty'

Perhaps nowhere in the United States does the digital divide cut as wide as in Indian Country. More than 90 percent of tribal populations lack high-speed Internet access, and usage rates are as low as 5 percent in some areas, according to the Federal Communications Commission.


Sascha Meinrath

Sascha Meinrath, director of New America Foundation's Open Technology Initiative calls it "a travesty."

"You have a community that perhaps treasures media and cultural production more than almost any other constituency in the country, and you have an entire dearth of access to new media production and dissemination technology," Meinrath said.

Since 2009, New America Foundation has worked with Native Public Media, which supports and advocates for Native American media outlets, to help tribal communities take advantage of new media platforms. In January, the organizations formalized their partnership, and this fall, they plan to launch a media literacy pilot project that will train Native radio broadcasters in at least four communities to tell stories using digital tools.

"It's a very proactive way to address the digital divide, apart from the hardware," said Loris Ann Taylor, president of Native Public Media.

Tribal Digital Village

The organizations plan to work with both digital experts and tribal groups that have pioneered technology adoption. An oft-cited example is the Tribal Digital Village in Southern California, which brought Internet access to libraries, schools and other community buildings across 13 reservations, with grants from Hewlett-Packard and others.

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We Shall Remain includes teacher guides online

Native Public Media has itself led the way in digital storytelling, partnering with WGBH in 2009 on We Shall Remain, a multi-platform project on Native history. But its primary goal is expanding local production.

Currently, 10 tribal radio stations stream over the Internet, including KGVA 90.1 FM, serving the Fort Belknap reservation in Montana, and WOJB on the Lac Courte Oreilles reservation in Wisconsin. The Coeur d'Alene tribe in northern Idaho created RezKast, a YouTube-like video and music sharing site. The Navajo Times, Cherokee Phoenix and other Native newspapers publish online.

As innovative as these projects are, without access, they will only reach a fraction of the Native population.

'The Digital Revolution is Stirring'

Native Americans will be savvy users of new media when connectivity arrives, Meinrath said. A 2009 report [PDF file] he co-authored found that when broadband was available, Native Americans did everything from blog to download podcasts at higher rates than national averages. Although the report noted that it was more exploratory than representative, it concluded: "The digital revolution is stirring in tribal communities."

Still, the revolution is far away for most Native Americans. Broadband infrastructure does not exist in most tribal areas, and where it does, charges are marked up radically, compared with urban centers -- by 13,000 percent, in some cases, Meinrath said. Regulatory frameworks have also contributed to under-servicing, he said.

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Lately, advocacy by Native Public Media and others for government action seems to be paying off. The FCC's National Broadband Plan, unveiled in March 2010, included the goal of increasing broadband access on tribal lands, with involvement from local leaders. The Plan recommended that Congress consider creating a Tribal Broadband Fund. Last August, the FCC established an Office of Native Affairs and Policy to work with the 565 federally recognized tribes on improving access to communications services. One of its first moves, in March 2011, was to invite tribal representatives to a Native Nations Day, where the FCC expanded a "tribal priority" to promote licensing of radio stations serving Native communities.

Recent federal action is a leap forward in focusing attention on a long-ignored issue and producing empirical data for reform, Meinrath said.

Yet, he noted that progress has largely remained rhetorical. "We've run into an FCC and an Obama administration that has not, as a whole, prioritized this issue," he said.

Challenges and Opportunities

When it comes to expanding access, the challenges are steep. Many tribal areas are geographically remote, which can make provision difficult and expensive, according to the National Broadband Plan. Service is unaffordable for many Native Americans, a quarter of whom live at or below the poverty line. At the same time, funding for public media and telecommunications facilities is at risk.

But, physical remoteness and high costs are a familiar excuse for failure to serve Indian Country among decision-makers focused on majority constituents, Meinrath said.

"This is not a technical problem -- this is a remarkable lack of leadership," he said.

The challenge is not only addressing a digital divide, but also a pattern of historical exclusion from media and communication services, Taylor said. Some tribal populations still lack emergency and postal services, and almost a third lack basic telephone service. The rapid pace of technology risks leaving Native populations even further behind.

Despite the challenges, the potential for technology to improve media capacity in tribal areas is tremendous, Taylor said. New media tools will help Native Americans cover issues that are ignored or misrepresented in mainstream media. They can fill extreme gaps in information access and enable cultural preservation. They allow local news and cultural programming to reach tribal members who have left reservations for jobs or military service.

Leaping the Divide

Critically, technology offers a chance to "leap over" the traditional media divide, especially as many tribal newspapers have shut down in the economic downturn, and radio stations, the traditional medium of choice for Native communities, are not feasible in all areas, Taylor said.

Most of all, Taylor's vision is about enabling Native Americans to have a voice on vital issues, from the housing market to the energy crisis.

"In this country, if we leave people out from having access or ownership or control of the technology, then we're really denying them something even larger -- to have participation in a democratic society," she said. "It's really about self-determination at the end of the day."

Katia Savchuk works as an investigator and writes for Ethical Traveler and Polis, a collaborative urbanism blog she co-founded. She previously spent a year and a half documenting the work of slum-dweller federations in India. Her writing has appeared in Let's Go travel guides, Environment & Urbanization and the Palo Alto Weekly.