NOHFC provides funding for northern winter road development and improved cell service

MNDMF press release

New Road And Cell Infrastructure Brings North Together -McGuinty Government Creating Jobs And Access To Goods During Winter Months

May 13, 2011

A new winter road and two new cell towers in Northern Ontario will help improve access to essential services, create 20 jobs and help the northern economy turn the corner.

With support from the province, the Moose Cree First Nation will establish a 170-kilometre winter access road from Moose Factory to Otter Rapids next winter. This will help residents travel and have access to goods more easily to-and-from the James Bay coastline.

Ontario is also supporting NetCentral, in partnership with Bell Mobility, build two cell towers along Highway 17, one at Echo Bay and the other at Desbarats. These new towers will give local residents and visitors access to broadband services and cell coverage. This will help northerners connect with relatives and friends anywhere and will help local businesses compete with the rest of the world.

Updating Ontario's roads, highways, transit, hospitals and schools is part of the government's plan to create jobs, grow local economies and ensure the province remains strong and competitive for years to come.

"In Northern Ontario, creating opportunities for community development starts with modern infrastructure. This will help northerners with better access to goods in the winter, and help them and businesses connect with the rest of the world."

 – Michael Gravelle
Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, and chair of the NOHFC



  • Joanne Ghiz
    Minister's Office
  • Michel Lavoie
    Communications Branch