Join Turning Point's Talking Circle about RECONCILIATION

A interesting discussion forum is now taking place on Turning Point about Reconciliation. Click here to go directly to the discussion forum and to share your thoughts. I hope everyone will join in these important discussions ...

Some highlights ...

"... reconciliation is NOT about Changing the past, but creating a future..."

"...there must be strategies for changing our economic relationships as well...."

"...Both parties must be able to see the clear benefits of this process. And, both groups must enter into this with a clear intention of working through it together..."

"... three kinds of false reconciliation:

  1. Reconciliation as a hasty process ...
  2. Reconciliation instead of liberation ...
  3. Reconciliation as a managed process ...."

From the announcement of this event in Turning Points Latest Articles (click here to see pictures of the forum facilitators)

In recent years reconciliation is being promoted as a way to resolve First Nations-Canada conflicts. However, there has been no broad based conversation on what genuine reconciliation means or entails. Consequently, some people propose reconciliation as a quick fix approach to historical injustices while others call for a radical transformation of our relationships. Jessie Sutherland and Dave Fortin will be co-moderating a discussion about reconciliation on Turning Point's popular Talking Circle October 1st to 8th, 2004. Come participate in a lively discussion about how to create conditions for genuine reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people on this land and beyond.

Jessie Sutherland of Worldview Strategies,   and Dave Fortin from Biidaaban Healing Lodge,  are co-hosts for Reconciliation Education Teleconferences, a new national public education/dialogue about reconciliation, launching October 2004. Teleconferences are held over the phone where 100 people can come together to learn about Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal reconciliation as well as network and learn from others in the field. Upcoming teleconference topics include residential school reconciliation; the arts and reconciliation; governance and treaties; creating public venues for reconciliation; and much more. For more information and how you can participate in these national teleconferences, visit .

About Jessie Sutherland: Jessie Sutherland was born in Vancouver and has lived and worked in Quebec, Europe, the Middle East, West Africa, and South America. Since 1990, she has worked on intercultural youth exchanges, dialogue groups, and building-community-with-diversity workshops. Most recently, she completed a Master's degree in Dispute Resolution at the University of Victoria with a thesis entitled "Reconciliation From the Inside Out: Worldviewing Skills for Everyone." Jessie has presented her innovative approach at several conferences and produced two newsletters to strengthen and build reconciliation networks across Canada and beyond. Jessie is deeply committed to a parallel process of personal and societal transformation to create conditions for genuine reconciliation.

About Dave Fortin: Dave Fortin is an Ojibway from Mississauga First Nation in Ontario. He is currently employed as the Program Coordinator at Biidaaban Healing Lodge in Pic River First Nation. Dave has been designing and delivering Mental and Emotional Health programs at Biidaaban Healing Lodge for the past 6 years. During this time he has worked with many First Nations Individuals as they begin their healing journey from their past history relating to Residential Schools and the cycles of family dysfunctions and abuse. Most recently, Dave has begun training with Nigan Training in Calgary, in their Personal Empowerment Workshops.