"Today I am going to try and change the world" - Sachigo Lake First Nation youth succeed

With the background song, "Today I am going to try and change the world" playing, the amazing and inspiring story of Riley Barkman and his team of supporters unfolds on-line on their web page at:


The "Making Vision a Reality Walk-a-thon" came to grand ending last night with a feast and celebration with friends and supporters gathering at the Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship centre.

But there is little doubt that this walk-a-thon and all the all the activities it inspired will create a movement that will continue for years to come.

The image of little Flora who collected 55064 pennies towards the CT scan walk will inspire all children who want to make a difference.


 Even the wildlife, led by the wolf joined the effort and inspired the youth to achieve and strive for their visions.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to sharing this journey with the world.

A BIG THANKS to all the young people who are working so hard to make a diference for all of us!