First Nations leaders denounce federal party leaders' debate disregard for issues

Press release

First Nations Leaders Denounce Federal Election Debate

April 13, 2011

Toronto, ON – Chiefs, meeting in Assembly in Toronto, are not surprised by the continued disregard for First Nation concerns in this years’ federal election debate. The national debate was void of any reference to First Nations with the exception of a scathing shopping list of shortcomings by NDP Leader Jack Layton. With reference being made to crowded, inadequate housing, burgeoning jails filled with First Nations people and an emphatic call to action by AFN National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo on the education front.

Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse said, "The deafening silence on First Nations issues only further serves to cement the fact that the political establishment in this country continues to ignore the plight of our people at their own peril."

First Nations Peoples are the original inhabitants of this land, yet government laws and policies have marginalized First Nations Peoples in every aspect. First Nations youth are the fastest growing segment of the population in Canada. Where is the debate that would see government investing fairly and properly in our youth’s education so we can fully utilize their great potential?

"Each and every First Nation individual in the province of Ontario and Canada must feel a deep sense of frustration and profound disappointment that the general social and economic conditions of the First Peoples in this country are not deemed important enough to merit meaningful discussion in a national debate among potential government leaders” stated Regional Chief Angus Toulouse.

First Nations are determined that they will find ways to get their voices heard and issues discussed.

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For more information, please contact:
Andre Morriseau, Communications Officer
Ph: 416-580-9320
Email: andre[at]