Contact North becomes Ontario's Distance Education and Training Network with new web site

Contact North Announcement ...

Contact North | recently completed the transition to Ontario's Distance Education and Training Network. A key component of this transition is the development and launch of a new, integrated website.Check out our website which is live and accessible from and You will be able to access the following information and support:

  • The ability to search over 800 programs and 10,000 courses – both online live and online anytime - available from Ontario's publicly-assisted colleges, universities, literacy and other training providers.
  • Clear details on how to register for programs and courses for university, college, high school, or literacy and basic skills.
  • Resources including Course Guides, Scholarship & Bursary information, and Financial Aid information. More research has been done and the list of financial aid expanded to include many more options and contact information.
  • Faster ways to connect with our 112 local access centres across Ontario including the name of the local coordinator, location/address, an embedded Google map for visual detail, and contact information for the centre.
  • Dedicated pages for each of our university and college partners with links to their website, distance education pages, registration information, and contact information.
  • New "Live Chat" feature for real-time support and inquiries.
  • A Glossary has been developed to explain terms and meanings. This is similar to a mini dictionary that will explain terms such as asynchronous, GED, Online Live, etc.

We are continuing to add new features and functionality, so stay tuned for more great additions to our site in the coming months!Karen Elliott
Director, Web Strategy
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