Sachigo Lake First Nation youth raising funds for CT Scanner to support community members


Check out the Walk-a-thon page on Facebook at

Riley Barkman's CT Scanner Journey

Sachigo Lake First Nation Youth committed to helping make change across the Sioux Lookout Zone Region please help make his commitment a success by donating to his walk-a-thon.

Sachigo Lake First Nation is pleased to announce that Mr.Riley Barkman will be walking from Sachigo Lake, Ontario to Sioux Lookout, Ontario.

Riley is a 20 year old Sachigo Lake First Nation youth who is committed to raise funds for the CT Scanner that will be located at the Menoyawin Health Centre in Sioux Lookout.

His journey will begin on March 28, 2011 from Sachigo Lake First Nation. Mr. Barkman will be passing through Muskrat Dam First Nation, North Caribou Lake First Nation traditional territories, Pickle Lake, Ontario and Mishkeegogamang First Nation and Saugeen Nation traditional territories then in Sioux Lookout which will be his final destination. His walking journey will be approximately 700 kilometres and all funds raised will be contributed to the Wasaya Group Inc & Menoyawin CT Scanner Campain.

Sachigo Lake First Nation supports and commends Riley's ambition to raise funds and awareness for the CT Scanner. Many individuals from Sachigo Lake have lost their battle to cancer and other illnesses and the community feels it is a very important endeavor for Mr.Barkman to raise funds to ensure that the people in the Sioux Lookout Zone district have access to a CT Scanner.

A CT (Computerised tomography( scanner is a special kind of X-ray machine. Instead of sending out single X-ray through your body as with ordinary X-rays, several beams are sent simultaneously from different angles. CT scans are used in the diagnosis and evaluation of many conditions as well as monitoring of treatment.

Sachigo Lake First Nation community members strongly agree that the late Grace Teskey's belief that the availability of a CT scanner locally would save some lives by early detection of cancer and other illnesses. There are 30 communities within the Sioux Lookout district that would benefit from having a CT scanner located in Sioux Lookout.

For this reason, Mr.Riley Barkman has decided and is dedicated to walk to raise funds for the Wasaya Group Inc. & Menoyawin CT Scanner Campaign.

Your financial support and prayers for a successful completion of this very important endeavor by this youth is very much appreciated.

Further details and schedule will be forwarded as they become available from the walking team. For pledges and donations please contact Sachigo Lake First Nation Chief and Council at 1-807-595-2527.

View Walkathon in a larger map


Above is the route that Riley will be walking.  That's over 700 kilometers!

If you are from any of the linked communities please be aware that someone will be walking through your community

  • go shake his hand and offer words of support & encouragement. OR
  • have a fund raising event to donate to the causeThis CT Scanner will benefit us all!

Provided links to what a CT Scanner is and to the Wasaya Group CT Scanner Project.
We're almost there people! Please donate! Cancer touches us all!