MNR seeking feedback by April 22 on Bell Aliant's corridor for fibre network to First Nations

From the ad in March 23 edition in Sioux Bulletin

North Western Ontario Broadband Expansion Initiative benefits 26 NAN communities

The Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada and Bell Aliant are partnering to build a new $81.4 million fibre optic network, spanning 2,572 kilometres of Ontario's Far North and benefiting some 26 First Nation communities. The fibre optic solution will provide more reliable voice and data service and broadband internet with higher speeds and greater bandwidth. The project will also provide economic benefits for the communities during construction and beyond.

Five Projects - Five Year Construction Plan

Construction for Project One is slated to bein in April 2011, with Projects Two and Three set to start in May. The first three projects are expected to be completed in March 2012 with completion of Projects Four and Five anticipated by 2015.

Project One Benefits Seven Communities

Mishkeegogamang, Musselwhite Mine, New Osnaburg, Pickle Lake, Pikangikum, Ojibway Nation of Saugeen and Savant Lake are part of Project One construction plans, set to begin in April 2011.

Project Two and Three Include Seven Additional Communities

With construction slated to start in May 2011, Projects Two and Three include the communities of Angling Lake (Wapekeka), Cat Lake, Keewaywin, Kingfisher Lake, Koocheching, Poplar Hill and Slate Falls.

Remaining Communities included in Projects Four and Five

Although a firm construction start date has not been announced, the communities of Bearskin Lake, Big Trout Lake (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug), Deer Lake, Long Dog (Wawakapewin), Kasabonika, Muskrat Dam, North Spirit Lake, Sachigo Lake, Sandy Lake, Summer Beaver (Nibinamik), Weagamow (North Caribou Lake) and Wunnumin Lake are part of Project Four and Fort Hope (Eabametoong), Lansdowne House (Neskantaga), Ogoki Post (Marten Falls) and Webequie are included in Project Five.

Greater Bandwidth - Higher Speeds - More Reliable Network

Fibre optic networks provide bandwidth greater than 1.5 Megabits per second (Mbps), making High Speed Internet available and the ability to download movies and music in record time, in fact, less than ten seconds to download a standard length song! The fibre optic solution will also provide more reliable service, with 90% of the fibre optic network being buried, and fibre being less sensitive to the elements, weather and forest fires no longer impose the threat that they did on pole lines or satellite and microwave installations.

Employment Opportunities

Local First Nations territory experts will work with Bell Aliant engineers to determine and plot the best path for the new network. Skills assessments and supplier inventories will be conducted in hopes that First Nation members will provide labour and supply materials for such things as guiding and engineering, surveying, line clearance, road building, construction and other logistics. There will also be post-installation opportunities for technical support and maintenance workers.

Land Use Fees

Bell Aliant will pay to Band Councils whose traditional land is being crossed for purposes of this project, an annual fee of $3,000 for the first five years, adjusting every five years according to the Consumer Price index for the previous five years. The land use agreement will be reviewed with the respective Band Councils after ten years and then every five years for the duration of the twenty year agreement.

Land Use Authorizations

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has initiated its review of the project proposals for Projects 1, 2 and 3 and is considering issuance of authorizations for Crown land and, potentially, Crown resources such as timber and aggregates.

If you have any comments regarding the potential issuance of authorizations for Crown land and, potentially, Crown resources to enable Project 1, 2 or 3 to be implemented, please contact:

John Carnochan, District Planner, MNR Sioux Lookout at (807) 737-5060;

Trevor Park, Planning & Information Management Supervisor, MNR Red Lake District at (807) 727-1344;


Kelvin Davenport, Ignace Area Supervisor, MNR Dryden District at (807) 934-2244

by April 22, 2011

Comments and personal information regarding these proposals are collected by MNR under the authority of the Public Lands Act, Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, Crown Forest Sustanability Act and Aggregate Resources Act and will be used to assist MNR in making decisions. Comments not constituting personal information as defined by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will be shared among MNR and others as appropriate, and may be included in documentation available for public review. Personal information will remain confidential unless prior consent to disclose is obtained. Contact Glen Niznowski, Planning and Information Management Supervisor, MNR Sioux Lookout District at (807) 737-5037 for further information.

More Information

If you would like more detailed information about the project please contact:

Chris Bell, Northern Ontario General Manager, Bell Aliant at (807) 475-6041 or visit (link appears to be broken as of April 22)

For more information about the funding for this project, visit: