New First Nations school opens in February

New school in Constance Lake School gets "wired" to the 'Net...

Constance Lake First Nation is getting a new composite school... Construction is on-going but it is expected to be open sometime in February 2005... The school is currently getting "wired" and is expected to provide students and teachers alike with the most up-to-date ICTs available... Sandy Moonias, the principal at Constance Lake, is excited by the prospect of a new school but admits there is a lot of work to be done prior to February.  "We're setting up the school to deliever programing to all of our community members from the very youngest to the oldest," she said.  The new school will include a daycare centre, an elementary and high school and an adult learning centre.  Moonias, an education graduate of both Lakehead University and Lakehead University, is a Martin Falls band member... She worked for Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Waysa before completing principal training...

Constance Lake has been selected as a case study by First Nations SchoolNet in its successful schools series... For more information about the case studies, click here... If you want more information about getting your school profiled in this series, email Research...