Personal case to develop more First Nation biblical-based Addictions Counselling and Treatment

Biblical-based Addictions Program

Both the Western Health Model and Traditional Spirituality Model are being used to treat Addictions at the various Treatment Centers and in our communities.

Biblical-based Addictions Counselling and Treatment programs are also being used in some communtiies.

If we are honest - we must admit the Success Rate is very low and therefore, we need another Approach to help our People who are addicted to Oxys.

I am not saying we do not continue using both of these Models but we are not addressing the Oxycontin Epidemic from the basis of who we are as a People. All of our communities have at least 2 churches while some communities have 5 churches. Christianity has been accepted and we need to use the Bible to help our Oxy addicts.

There are Indigenous Addiction Counsellors who are using Biblical Principles as part of their work and Beaver Lake Camp has their Marriage, Family and Individual Counselling Program. However, there is no set overall Biblical-based Addictions Program. Oxys Addictions are going to be part of our community life from now on and we need all the help we can get. Biblical-based Addictions Counselling must become part of the answer.

Following is The Vision:

• The 1st Step is to develop the Biblical-based Addictions Program and there are already various programs we can work with. Kwayaciiwin Resource Center can do this work.
• The 2nd Step is for Kwayaciiwin to complete the Counsellors Biblical-based Addictions Program.
• The 3rd Step is to develop the Biblical-based Addictions Program which can be implemented in a Treatment Center setting.
• The 4th Step is to implement the Treatment Center Program with the Bible as the Focus of its Addictions Program.

Our chiefs say Canada/Ontario do not fund Biblical-based Addictions Programs and they need to be enlightened. If our chiefs do not approve this Program which works with our Oxy addicts from who they are - our chiefs are being negligent in regards to their duty to their People.

On Friday, March 25 - I will be on Wawatay Radio again where Amos Esh from Beaver Lake with be talking about their Marriage, Family and Individual Counselling Program.

On April 15-16 - I plan to host the Wawatay Radio-a-Thon to raise funds for Kwayaciiwin Resource Center to start their work on developing the Biblical-based Addictions Program.

I ask the various Church Leaders to support this work and I am most thankful to Pastor Colin Kanate for mentioning my efforts in his talk a couple of days ago. I will be asking my own church to fund the March 25 Program on Wawatay Radio.

I ask for your prayers and we must stand up for what we believe in. This Oxys Epidemic will continue to wreak its havoc amongst our People but there is an Answer - his name is Jesus.


I will be on Wawatay Radio tomorrow at 5:30 pm. for about 20 minutes to say what I have written here.