Implementing Bill C3 in First Nations - Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act

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Registration Process for Bill C-3 Applicants

On December 15, 2010 Bill C-3 Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act received Royal Assent and is in effect as of January 31, 2011. Bill C-3 will ensure that eligible grand-children of women who lost status as a result of marrying non-Indian men will become entitled to registration (Indian status). Because of this legislation, approximately 45,000 persons will become newly entitled to registration.

Generally speaking, the key criteria to be newly entitled to registration are:

  • Did your grandmother lose her Indian status as a result of marrying a non-Indian?

  • Is one of your parents registered, or entitled to be registered, under sub-section 6(2) of the Indian Act?

  • Were you, or one of your siblings, born on or after September 4, 1951?

General enquires on Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act should be directed to:

INAC Public Enquiries Contact Centre
Phone: (toll-free) 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: (toll-free) 1-866-553-0554

Bill C-3 applicants will be offered an improved service, whereby eligible applicants can expect to receive registration as an Indian under the Indian Act AND an in-Canada Secure Certificate of Indian Status (status card) in one step. The Secure Certificate of Indian Status is an identity document issued by INAC to confirm that the cardholder is registered as a Status Indian under the Indian Act

INAC is providing this service to Bill C-3 applicants as they do not currently have a status card.  As INAC is moving towards fully implementing the Secure Certificate of Indian Status, it is more efficient for both clients and for INAC to provide these new first-time clients with the new SCIS at the time of registration.  Both cards, the current Certificate of Indian Status and the new SCIS provide equal access to benefits and access to programs.

This service has resulted in the development of a specific registration form which must be used by Bill C-3 applicants when submitting their request for registration. Application forms are available at the following locations: