Employment Opportunities in Sioux Lookout at DEPC

The Sioux Lookout DEPC Academic Readiness Project is hiring additional staff...

It is currently seeking to hire an experienced secretary / receptionist and two additional qualified teachers... For more information, contact Ifka Filipovich... It is also seeking the services of a consultant to develop and deliver Principal Training... The successful candidate will facilitate two 4 day training sessions during the current fiscal year... For more information, contact Ifka Filipovich... If you wish to submit a proposal, contact Dorothy Trout. The proposal should include: a training work plan; time frame, content and methodology and include a resume of educational background and relevant work experience and two employment references with written permission...

The ads for the three academic positions follow ...

One Curriculum Implementer & Two Resource Teachers
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council
Posted September 07, 2004

NORTHERN NISHNAWBE EDUCATION COUNCIL Invites applications for the following one year term contract positions:

One Curriculum Implementer to assist Sioux Lookout district First Nations in implementing the district Kwayaciiwin bilingual/ bicultural elementary curriculum guidelines:

  • assist in the review, revision and development of the Kwayaciiwin district elementary guidelines
  • introduce the guidelines to the Band Council, parents, the Local Education Authority, school staff and community members,
  • assist the principal and Education Director/Coordinator on site in developing up and enacting local implementation work plans, 
  • assist in setting up local Curriculum Committees and an Elder’s Language Advisory Committee,
  • assist teaching staff in implementing the guideline; timetables, planning, organizing instruction, securing resources.
  • assist in reviewing and revising the guidelines locally in terms of community values, goals and program content 
  • provide professional development to staff,
  • assist in development units, lessons and materials for the new guidelines, and
  • assist in setting up the district resource centre.


  1. Background in education and experience working with First Nations
  2. Self motivated, organized, able to work as a team member, a facilitator, a consultant
  3. Excellent interpersonal, communications and computer skills
  4. Travel is a requirement
  5. Native Language is an asset.

Two Resource Teachers to assist Sioux Lookout district First Nations schools in implementing the district Kwayaciiwin bilingual/bicultural elementary curriculum guidelines;

  • assist in the review, revision a and development of the Kwayaciiwin district elementary guidelines
  • develop Teacher Resource binders and resource materials to assist teachers in implementing the guideline
  • introduce the guidelines on site to the Band council, parents, the Local Education Authority, school staff and community members,
  • assist teachers on site in implementing the guidelines; student assessment, planning, timetables, classroom organization and management,
  • develop and assit teachers in developing units, lessons and materials and coordinate the sharing the duplication of materials developed,
  • assist in the development of student assessment materials 
  • work with local curriculum committees and the Elder’s Language Advisory Committe,
  • promote the Kwayaciiwin program throughout the school, community and district,
  • assess the effectiveness of the guidelines implemented and the viability of the standards, set up networking between the pilot schools and with other schools offering a bilingual program, set up the district resource centre, and
  • provide professional development to staff in areas such as immersion and second language methodology, classroom management, literacy, learning centres, upgrading.


  1. Teacher qualifications and a background in education
  2. Experience working with First Nations
  3. Self motivated, organized, able to work as a team member, a facilitator, a consultant
  4. Excellent interpersonal, communications and computer skills
  5. Travel is a requirement
  6. Experience in bilingual bicultural programs an asset
  7. Native Language is an asset
  8. Asset; specialist trianing or experience in Bilingual/bicultural programming, First Nations Languages Immersion or Second Language, Methodology, Primary

For all positions:
Location: Sioux Lookout
Salary: $60,000
Term: September, 2004 to August, 2005

Closing: Please submit a resume, two employment references with written permission to contact and a covering letter to:
Dorothy Trout, Personnel Officer
by Fax to: (807) 583-3865
by mail to: NNEC, Box 1419, Sioux Lookout, ON, P8T 1B9
by Email to: dtrout@nnec.on.ca

A job description/more information may be obtained from Ifka Filipovich at (807) 737-7373 Ext. 31 or Dorothy Trout (807) 582-3245.

Criminal Reference and Child Abuse Registry check required.