Kuhkenah Network evaluation work included in international workshop

George Ferreira (PhD candidate at Guelph U), Ricardo Ramirez (Phd, Guelph U) and Brian Walmark (KO Research Institute) co-authored a paper for the workshop, Measuring the Information Society: What, How, for Whom and What? that is taking place on Saturday September 18, 2004 in Brighton, U.K.

Click here to read the paper they submitted entitled "Connectivity in Canada’s Far North: Participatory Evaluation in Ontario’s Aboriginal Communities". Click here to visit the conference web site.

Conference Information ...

Co-sponsored by:


  • Dr. Michel J. Menou, Information and Knowledge Management consultant, France & International liaison officer, ASIS&T
  • Dr. John Daly, Science an technology consultant, USA
  • Dr. Philippe Vidal, Coordinator E-Atlas project, GRESOC, University of Toulouse 2, France

Scope and objectives:

As public, private and civil society organizations are increasingly trying to promote and/or take advantage of the information society, or else the networked economy, the need for statistical data and indicators that reflect initial situations, change and its consequences is generating a variety of initiatives. Networked Readiness Index, Digital Access Index, Information Intelligence Quotient, INESXSK, Community Connectivity Indicators, to name a few, have flourished over the years.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for a critical review and unconstrained discussion of:

  • existing instruments and the frameworks upon which they are based
  • data sources, gathering and calculation methods
  • intended audiences, usability and reliability
  • requirements for improved measures serving all categories of stakeholders

It is hoped that as a result of the workshop, participants will be equipped with a renewed broad overview of information society measures and a vision of the main directions for future research and development in this area.