Please Help our family locate an important missing bag

We, the Chikane Family of Weagamow Lake have been trying to locate a sm/med size bag, color is a dark blue/navy.  It had a blue NAC tag with the number 19053 and another Bearskin Airline tag with one of my parents' name on it along with their phone number.

On Thursday morning, August 19, 2004 we received some bad news that my uncle was in the ER in SLKT.  My mother called my father who was in SLKT for a business meeting and informed him of the news she received.  Upon his arrival at the hospital, he was informed that my uncle was in serious condition and would be medivaced to Winnipeg, MB via a helicopter.  My father then became an escort for my uncle but was told he could not accompany him on the helicopter.  He was then put on a NAC flight to Wpg.  Upon arriving, he waited by the plane for his bag but was told by the Pilots that they would bring it inside for him, but it was never brought in.

My uncle passed away that same evening at the Health Sciences Center. This missing bag contains my deceased uncle's personal belongings, purchases and my father's personal things. It has caused my parents and family a lot of emotional turmoil and stress not knowing where this bag may be.  We have called the airline but have not received any information as to where this bag may be.

Please find it in your heart to help us locate my father's bag.  We are facing this tremendous sorrow & grief after losing my uncle.  Locating this bag would give us a sense of relief and uplift some of our sorrow.  Keep us in your prayers as we continue searching.  

Please email me if you have any suggestions as to where else we can call.  If you require further information or know where this bag may be, please call the North Caribou Lake Band Office at 807-469-5191 and ask for Angela or Dan or one of the Council Members.

Thank you on behalf of the Chikane Family.